Veggies and Potter

Today we visited the first downtown farmer's market. It was a great time to go- sunny, in the 70's with a cool breeze. As we tooled around, there were many items to feast your eyes on. We ended up getting some spinach (for a future salad), Mark got me a lovely boquet of white tulips, lilys, dianthus, red snapdragons and bright blue __. I couldn't pass up a pixy lily- a gorgeous peach color- I have a feeling it will multiply like mad :)

After the market, we weeded and admired our garden. It is nice to get rid of the worst of the weeds before we have to leave again. The leeks are looking particularly strong in their trench. The tomatoes and their buddy marigolds look a bit like weeds themselves ;) Our asparagus bush should yield a wonderful crop come fall with all of the sun it is soaking up.

This evening we headed out to watch Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban with Matt, Natalie, and Burr. Burr was kind enough to purchase the tickets online so we were guaranteed seats for the must see movie of the year! Overall the movie was great - for book readers there was much lacking from the text - but it was 3 hours long. The longer scenes really added to the smoothness of the movie- it really didn't feel like we were in the theatre for more than an hour.

Afterwards we ate and reminisced at Chili's (their chili is a bit beefy and warm) but their salads are great. Mark enjoyed a sweet Hawaiian chicken with wild rice. To end the night, Mark played Attika twice with the others while I called it an early night.

Posted by Laura @ 12:41 PM CDT [Previous] [Next]