Without Alias this season, Mark and I waited eagerly for Lost - written by the Alias creator J.J. Abrams, we have high expectations. The first episode turned out to be okay. This is definitely an island that I do not want to be stuck on for any length of time. I have always been facinated with survival skills- hey all of our ancestors had to be pretty good at surviving or we wouldn't be here today. With our quick-paced, high technology society, we have lost many of the skills people just a hundred years ago needed. Today you see the panic when electricity goes out for a few hours.

I digress- so I was looking forward to learning some more survival tips, but the first episode was really not about survival but coping with the psychological impact of surviving a tramatic experience. It was interesting to see the doctor handle the situation calmly and create a focus from the chaos. I think that the main point I came across with was- people need a task to stay calm and focused. The doctor gave many of the other survivors small reachable tasks to keep their body occupied while their mind was still trying to grasp with the recent plane wreck. Very interesting, and worth watching next week.

Posted by Laura @ 9:02 PM CDT [Previous] [Next]