Final Harvest from Our Garden

Winter is coming- currently it is a very cold fall. Therefore, we headed out to the garden before the forecasted frost to gather what we could from our garden. We also put down some 4mil black plastic to block those nasty spring weeds on the side without bulbs. Our final produce consisted of brocolli, tomatoes, blue potatoes, leeks and a bell pepper. We also gathered nine baby bear pumpkins. Our first pumpkin planting was suppose to yield large edible pumpkins- but either the seeds didn't sprout or something ate them (I rather think it is the latter since we seem to attract mice and nine-striped gophers). So our second planting went in rather late- but the baby bears were very prolific- don't think they are big enough to cut though, perhaps we will paint them?

Posted by Laura @ 9:09 PM CDT [Previous] [Next]