SUNDAY, APRIL 10, 2005
Garden & food

Today I went out to the garden to catch up on winter-to-spring maintenance. After cutting down the dead plant material, I cleared one of our plot sections and planted carrots, poppies and dahlias. Digging up half of another plot section I planted a row of snow peas on either side of some old fencing material left outside of our garden. By the front gate, there will be sweet peas for some color and fragrance. Lastly in the flower garden, I planted the happy glads. Since the water has not been turned on at Eagle Heights, I brought a large igloo 1/3 full of tap water from home to water the seedlings in well.

For the week we cooked stroganoff and some yellow curry. The stroganoff was pleasant with slices of tender beef and plump mushrooms smothered in a nice cream of mushroom sauce all over noodles. The thai curry was new- from our frugal gourmet cooking book- and turned out wonderful. First we cooked sliced chicken breast, added a can of coconut milk, two tablespoons of yellow curry paste and small diced potatoes. After letting everything cook down, we had a very scrumptious meal!

Posted by Laura @ 3:08 PM CDT [Previous] [Next]