SUNDAY, APRIL 17, 2005
Flick review

It has been a while since we rented movies, which means that the movie rental store has everything that we have wanted to see on the shelves. The first movie we watched was Finding Neverland. I have always been a fan of Peter Pan- the tape of this children's story use to put me to sleep when I was a kid. It was nice to find out how the story came about and to learn about its inspiration. While I cried for the last 30 minutes, it was a funny, but often sad movie.

We also watched Final Cut. I refuse to watch the prior movie by Robin Williams (One-hour-photo)- I really like him as a comedian. But we tried the darker Final Cut. It was interesting to think about consequences of recording and displaying memories, but Mark didn't think it was very "deep."

My movie was First Daughter- this was a romantic comedy. I think it is best to watch this lighter movies without much of the plot known- since there was only one real "shocker" in the movie, you would lose all of the fun if you knew too much. Anyways, I liked it- a nice emotional rollercoaster.

Posted by Laura @ 8:55 AM CDT [Previous] [Next]