TUESDAY, MAY 3, 2005
Who shot the Sheriff?

Matt and Burr showed up first for Game Night tonight, and as we were waiting for Kathleen and Natalie, we played the old standard Carcassonne. We all went off on different strategies, and as we all knew the game well, there was much competition for the final farmer field, with Matt eventually overpowering us all to win in a clean sweep. This game never fails to make a picturesque landscape scene and is a great way to open the games.

Burr and Natalie had recently received Bang! from some friends and were eager to try it out, and as Kathleen had showed up, we set up for a 5 player game. Bang is a western-themed outlaws vs lawmen game, but player's roles are unknown except for the sheriff. A good part of the game is trying to deduce who is who and take your shots accordingly. It took a while to get through the rules, as the cards could use much better descriptions of the effects of the actions, however there have to be some sacrificies to make the cards work for a multi-lingual publishing audience. Just as Burr finished the rules, he had to head out to pick up Natalie, so the rest of us played a quick 4 player game. Bullets were flying, guns were upgraded, and beer was drunk to survive, as we worked our way around the table until the outlaws proved victorious. With Burr and Natalie back, the 6 player game got into full swing, and we were all a bit more trepadacious about shooting the Sheriff, giving Sheriff Natalie the win in a few rounds, with me as her loyal deputy.

Posted by Mark @ 9:10 PM CDT [Previous] [Next]