SUNDAY, JUNE 5, 2005
A BBQ w/ friends

Matt Anderson is back in town for a while, after his stint working for North Star Games in Maryland this past year and then going to Puerto Rico. To celebrate, he cooked up some fine chicken and beef and invited us all over to eat! We spent time sitting outside in his back yard (ahh, back yards, someday I'll have one, and a nice chair, ooh, that'd be great) just talking and swapping stories of our lives. Burr and I stuck around at the end to play Ingenious, a new Reiner Knizia game about matching colored double hexagons to score points. Not a shred of theme, but a great game, as your final score is your lowest color, forcing you to try to play evenly. We played two times and called it a night, saving Power Grid and Amun-Re for another night.

Posted by Mark @ 10:15 AM CDT [Previous] [Next]